$ install -m 777 goals/blog reality/ # Everything is possible!

I’ve decided to take part in the 2017 edition of the Daj Się Poznać (“Get Noticed”) competition. With this blog I hope to learn me the secrets of Machine Learning and Data Science using Python and C++. By writing everything down into a tutorial I want to teach You about all that as well.

Will you make this trip with me? (Y/n)

2017-02-25 Edit: A change in direction

The realm of Machine Learning is a vast collection of knowledge that grows really fast. It managed to surface itself in pop culture and prove useful in everyday tasks.

As much as I admire the field and am willing to master it, my lack of expertise (especially in C++) might hurt the educational value of the tutorial. Going with just Python on the other hand would simply make it yet another bunch of (possibly erroneous) text on tools which already have tons of helpful content created around them.

Being a C developer, I think I’ll be able to deliver more informed content when armed with a language that I know well while, at the same time, proving myself through work with a challenging, highly technical topic.

For that reason I made the call to switch the main track of this blog to Linux Kernel Development - an interesting, somewhat cryptic craft with a low-level twist, which can give you a whole new point of view on the whole operating systems biz. Looks like a favorable outcome, no?

:boy: :book: :penguin: :boom: :nerd_face: