DROZDZIAK1(7) Curious Visitor's Manual DROZDZIAK1(7)
drozdziak1 - a.k.a. Stanisław Drozd, a C developer based in Warsaw, Poland,
huge GNU/Linux nerd, C++ and JavaScript skeptic (but not an enemy!),
faithful admirer of the FLOSS movement, technical knowledge omnivore.
drozdziak1 <thesis> [arguments]
drozdziak1 is a general purpose human able in various fields. His efforts
are mostly focused around learning new things and keeping (sh)it real.
He loves performing creative tasks, especially those which put Computer
Science and Mathematics to a good use. Whenever things get too technical, he
likes to take refuge in composition of C64 chiptunes.
In his work, drozdziak1 values the use of outside-the-box thinking and
solutions that keep in mind the future.
Using this blog, drozdziak1 hopes to give what he had learnt back to the
community and share his thoughts on various topics, thus returning some of
the value.
Linus Torvalds, Greg Kroah-Hartman Julia Evans, Free Electrons, Sarah
Sharp, Brian W. Kernighan, Dennis Ritchie, the K&R book, Andrew Ng, the
Machine Learning course on Coursera, Kernel Newbies, LKML, Gustavo Duarte